Walk Recap - Redmires Reservoirs

Walk Recap - Redmires Reservoirs

We had another great morning's walk on Saturday gone, this time around Redmires, Rud Hill and the Stanage Pole.

Some brilliant views down the Rivelin Valley into Sheffield, across the peaks to Edale and the Great Ridge and of the Redmires Reservoirs themselves from a host of angles.

The weather held out for us this time around and despite some miserable days in the lead up to the walk, Saturday morning was pretty much perfect conditions. We got clear skies and sun for the most part, accompanied by a lovely breeze that just stopped it being too warm.

Admittedly, the sun hadn't done enough to try out a section between Rud Hill and the Stanage Pole where we spent a 2km section of the walk on some of the strangest feeling water-logged moss I've ever come across. It was almost like trying to walk on an inflatable at times with the resistance it had, but it was still a fun stretch all be it for unconventional reasons.

A quick snack break at the Stanage Pole once we were a little more than three-quarters of the way around, then it was back down towards the top of the Redmires and around to the car park.

Great views all around, fun and interesting terrain in places and a multitude of wildlife spots. If you want to see any more of the specifics of the walk, or try the route out for yourself check out the Komoot tour of it over on my profile there.

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I am already underway with planning the route and date for the next walk so be sure to keep your eyes peeled for more info in the coming week and if you have any questions about previous walks, upcoming ones or just about hiking in general then please do get in touch.

Over the course of this month, I plan on starting to expand the social media and online presence of the group and have already started posting walk highlights on my new TikTok account so be sure to give that a follow if you haven't already for updates there!

I look forward to seeing you at the next one!

Barracks House, Sheffield, South Yorkshire S6 2LR
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